We’re proud to present:

the Eindhoven Diving Cup Broadcast Event!


Hi there!

A while ago, we said that we were going to challenge you. We know you have been waiting for more news.

So… here it is…. We’re proud to present: The Eindhoven Diving Cup Challenge!

To set the stage, please watch this Youtube clip to see what we expect of you.

Send your video to: edc2021@eindhovendivingcup.nl

All teams video entries will be judged by an international jury. They will judge the technical execution of the exercises. Originality and creativity with regard to location and decoration are also elements for which teams can earn extra points. The prize for the best team will be awarded during the Eindhoven Diving Cup Broadcast Event on February 6th, 2021.

Do you accept our challenge? We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Team Eindhoven Diving Cup


Can’t wait to started? Great! But first, a few rules. To complete the challenge you have to:

• use the same music

• complete the same exercises (entries, forward roll, tuck come out, pike up, pike come out, hurdle, squat) moet ook in die volgorde perse?

• use your creativity… because it is up to you how and where you show the exercises

• make sure to send in your video on time: before January 21st to