Dear sport friends,

EDC 2021We are very sorry to announce the Eindhoven Diving Cup 2021 has been canceled. All the measures for COVID-19 in the Netherlands, Europe and the rest of the world are making it impossible to organize our beautiful tournament in February 2021. Also, in a number of countries the swimming pools are currently closed  or where recently closed, which makes it impossible for many divers to train or stay on schedule.

Of course we would like to stay in touch with you and we will not let the first weekend of February 2021 pass by just like that. We have something very special planned. Please mark Saturday 6 February, 7 pm (GTM, Amsterdam time) in your agenda.

Keep an eye on our social media for more information. We are going to challenge you!

Take good care of yourself and stay healthy so we can all meet again in 2022!